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Years of Participation: 1

Richard Barker

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Welcome to my Young's Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour fundraising page. The only other time I've done this ride, I just paid the minimum donation goal and avoided asking others to support this fundraiser. This year, I'm embracing fundraising. I'll still donate the minimum, but I hope to at least double that through additional donations. Better yet, come join the ride and add your fundraising, too! 

I'm planning on the 100K ride, but I haven't ruled out the 100-mile option. 

Young's Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour supports four amazing nonprofits: Alzheimer’s Association, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, South Community, Inc., and United Rehabilitation Services.

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping me achieve my goal. Thank you for your support.

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My Funds Raised: $535.00
My goal: $500.00 107%
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image

Bronze Fundraiser
Funds raised of $200 or more
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image

Silver Fundraiser
Funds raised of $500 or more
Goal Met Badge Image
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Goal Met
Congrats...goal met!!!
Customized Profile Badge Image
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Customized Profile
Team or individual profile pic uploaded
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image

Gold Fundraiser
Funds raised of $1000 or more
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image

Platinum Fundraiser
Funds raised of $2500 or more
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image

Diamond Fundraiser
Funds raised of $5000 or more
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image

Titanium Fundraiser
Funds raised of $7500 or more

Fundraising History
Richard Barker $35.00
Anonymous Private
Andrew & Jamie Private
Winnie & Danny $100.00
Good luck on the ride - never be ashamed to ask for a donation…especially for worthy causes!
Roger Bottum $100.00
Rick Barker Private
David O $25.00
My last "long" bike ride was in search of ice cream! But it was nowhere near 100k LOL. Have fun!