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Team Years: 1

Team Carli Members
Carli Ogorchock

Team Carli

Team Carli
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Welcome to our Nest Family Fun Walk fundraising page! We are participating to show our support for Nest Academy RVA. 

Carli is an effervescent young lady. She loves music (yes, she is a Swifty), Disney movies, Outback Steak House, Cheeseburgers and fries, and chocolate ice cream! She loves to volunteer and help where she can. She stays very active and brightens everyone’s day with her smile and laughter. In the summer, she loves to go to the pool or playground and swing.

Our fundraising efforts will support young adults with special needs in the Richmond community. 

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping us achieve our goal. Thank you for your support!

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Our Funds Raised: $200.00

Fundraising History
James Kmetz $100.00
Paying for a friend who sent me the money!
Mark Ogorchock $100.00
Thank you for being there for Carli!