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Team Years: 2

Team Eli

Team Eli
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Welcome to our Nest Family Fun Walk fundraising page! We are participating to show our support for Nest Academy RVA. 

Eli classifies himself as an extravert who never misses an opportunity for fun! He is incredibly gifted in the field of Bible jokes, but he often can't get through telling the joke because he's laughing so hard trying to tell it. A typical day for Eli consists of him doing some of his zentangle art designs while he sings along to any genre of music that isn't heavy metal (which is NOT his favorite). Eli is always down for a conversation about Disney, cooking, or how the line between country and pop music is more blurred now than it ever has been. Eli has enjoyed exploring all of the different activities that Nest Academy has to offer and is looking forward to continuing with the program.


Our fundraising efforts will support young adults with special needs in the Richmond community. 

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping us achieve our goal. Thank you for your support!

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Our Funds Raised: $50.00

Fundraising History
Patricia Tiller $25.00
John Tiller $25.00